
정말 초보질문 - 멕시코나 중미, 바다 아닌 관광지?

덕구온천, 2024-03-16 19:26:43

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P2님이 바다 휴양지랑 특히 섬들이랑 안친해서 여태 멕시코/중미는 딱 한번 플라야델카르멘 다녀온게 단데


원래 미국에서는 멕시코나 중미 해변리조트에 한국에서 제주도 가듯 가지 않습니까?


SF베이에서 직항으로 갈만한 멕시코/중미에 있는 바다 휴양지 목적이 아니더라도 갈만한 곳이 있을까요?


멕시코시티나 파나마 한 번 가보자고 그렇게 졸라도 뭐 마약카르텔이 판치는 동네에 위험하게 왜 가냐며 완강히 거부하셔서


바다와 안친한 여행자가 중미에서 갈만한데가 뭐가 있을까 궁금힙니다.



--추가 챗봇 들은 이런데를 추천하네요.


what are culturally or naturally rich and safe destinations in mexico and central america that are not beach destinations?


  • Oaxaca City: Oaxaca City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the capital of the state of Oaxaca. It is a beautiful colonial city with cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and a vibrant indigenous culture. Oaxaca is also known for its delicious mole sauce, which originated in this region.

    Image of Oaxaca City, MexicoOpens in a new

    Oaxaca City, Mexico


  • San Miguel de Allende: San Miguel de Allende is a charming colonial town located in the state of Guanajuato. It is known for its beautiful Baroque architecture, art galleries, and lively cultural scene. San Miguel de Allende has been a popular destination for artists and expatriates for many years.

    Image of San Miguel de Allende, MexicoOpens in a new

    San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

  • Puebla: Puebla is a large city located in central Mexico. It is known for its colonial architecture, including the Puebla Cathedral, which is one of the most beautiful cathedrals in Mexico. Puebla is also home to a number of museums, including the Amparo Museum, which houses a large collection of pre-Columbian art.

    Image of Puebla, MexicoOpens in a new

    Puebla, Mexico

  • Copper Canyon: The Copper Canyon is a series of six canyons in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range in northwestern Mexico. It is often referred to as Mexico's Copper Canyon because it is much larger and deeper than the Grand Canyon in the United States. The Copper Canyon is a great place for hiking, biking, and horseback riding.

    Image of Copper Canyon, MexicoOpens in a new

    Copper Canyon, Mexico

  • Hierve el Agua: Hierve el Agua is a natural rock formation located in the state of Oaxaca. It consists of petrified waterfalls that cascade down a cliff face. Visitors can swim in the natural pools at the bottom of the waterfalls.

    Image of Hierve el Agua, MexicoOpens in a new

    Hierve el Agua, Mexico

Central America

  • Antigua Guatemala: Antigua Guatemala is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the former capital of Guatemala. It is a beautiful colonial city with cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and a number of volcanoes in the background. Antigua Guatemala is a great place to learn about Mayan culture and history.

    Image of Antigua Guatemala, Central AmericaOpens in a new

    Antigua Guatemala, Central America

  • Atitlán Lake: Lake Atitlán is a large volcanic lake located in the Guatemalan Highlands. It is surrounded by mountains and Mayan villages. Visitors can go hiking, biking, or kayaking on the lake. There are also a number of small towns and villages around the lake, where visitors can learn about Mayan culture and traditions.

    Image of Atitlán Lake, Central AmericaOpens in a new

    Atitlán Lake, Central America

  • Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve: The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is a private reserve located in Costa Rica. It is home to a variety of cloud forest plants and animals, including many species that are found nowhere else on Earth. Visitors can go hiking, biking, or birdwatching in the reserve.

    Image of Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Central AmericaOpens in a new

    Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Central America

  • Copán Ruinas: Copán Ruinas is a Mayan archaeological site located in western Honduras. It is one of the most important Mayan sites in Central America and was once a major Mayan city. Visitors can explore the ruins of temples, plazas, and other structures.

    Image of Copán Ruinas, Central AmericaOpens in a new

    Copán Ruinas, Central America

  • Semuc Champey: Semuc Champey is a natural limestone bridge located in Guatemala. It is a series of natural pools that cascade down a cliff face. Visitors can swim in the pools or jump off the cliffs into the water below.

    Image of Semuc Champey, Central AmericaOpens in a new

    Semuc Champey, Central America

These are just a few of the many culturally or naturally rich and safe destinations in Mexico and Central America. With its rich history, beautiful scenery, and friendly people, this region has something to offer everyone.






There are many culturally and naturally rich destinations in Mexico and Central America that are not beach destinations. Here are some of the safest ones:


Mérida International Airport

Mérida International Airport

  1. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico: Merida is a sanctuary of cultural splendor without compromising your safety. Crowned as the second safest city in the continent, right after Quebec, Canada, Merida has a low crime rate and a rich traditional history. Roam around and marvel at the colonial architecture that comes with a vibrant history and savor mouthwatering food. Make sure you visit iconic landmarks like Palacio del Gobierno and the Cathedral of San Ildefonso that stand tall in the city center. Navigate through the lively streets, dodge the traffic, and take day trips to nearby hotspots like Cancun and Playa del Carmen 123.


Mexico City

Mexico City

  1. Mexico City, Mexico: Mexico City is now considered one of the safest places in Mexico. With increased police presence from 2009 to 2011, the city center has seen a notable drop in crime rates. Feel the pulse of this cultural wonderland, where every corner tells a tale of history and art. When you’re in the capital don’t miss out on their delectable local cuisine and explore the cultural treasures. But it’s best to keep away from the extreme northern and southern neighborhoods, and around Tepito or Merced, especially after dark 14.


San Cristóbal de las Casas

San Cristóbal de las Casas

  1. San Cristobal De Las Casas, Mexico: San Cristobal De Las Casas is a charming colonial town in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. It is known for its indigenous culture, stunning architecture, and vibrant markets. The town is surrounded by lush green mountains and is home to many natural wonders such as the Sumidero Canyon and the Montebello Lakes. The town is also a great base for exploring the nearby Mayan ruins of Palenque and Yaxchilan 23.


Antigua Guatemala

Antigua Guatemala

  1. Antigua, Guatemala: Antigua is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is known for its well-preserved Spanish Baroque architecture. The town is surrounded by three volcanoes and is home to many historic churches, convents, and monasteries. The town is also a great base for exploring the nearby Mayan ruins of Tikal and Copan 2.


Granada, Nicaragua

Granada, Nicaragua

  1. Granada, Nicaragua: Granada is a colonial town on the shores of Lake Nicaragua. It is known for its colorful architecture, cobblestone streets, and vibrant markets. The town is also a great base for exploring the nearby Mombacho Volcano and the Islets of Granada 2.

I hope this helps!



Here are some culturally and naturally rich destinations in Mexico and Central America that are not beach destinations:

1. Mexico City - Known for its rich history, museums, and vibrant culture.
2. Oaxaca - Famous for its indigenous heritage, cuisine, and colonial architecture.
3. San Miguel de Allende - A charming colonial town with a thriving art scene.
4. Guanajuato - A picturesque city with colorful buildings and a rich mining history.
5. Palenque - An ancient Mayan city surrounded by lush jungle.

1. Antigua - A beautiful colonial city with stunning architecture and nearby volcanoes.
2. Lake Atitlán - A scenic lake surrounded by indigenous villages and volcanoes.
3. Tikal - An impressive ancient Mayan city located in the rainforest.

1. San Ignacio - A town near ancient Mayan ruins and natural attractions like caves and waterfalls.

Costa Rica:
1. Monteverde - A cloud forest reserve known for its biodiversity and hiking trails.
2. Arenal - An area famous for its active volcano and hot springs.
3. Tortuguero - A national park known for its wildlife, particularly nesting sea turtles.

1. Boquete - A mountain town with a cool climate, known for its coffee plantations and hiking trails.
2. Casco Viejo - The historic district of Panama City, with colonial architecture and vibrant culture.

These destinations offer a mix of cultural heritage, natural beauty, and diverse experiences. However, as with any travel, it's essential to research current safety conditions and take necessary precautions.

10 댓글


2024-03-16 20:44:07

저는 가본 적 없지만 미국친구가 다녀온 사진 보여줬는데 코스타리카도 좋아보이더라구요. 정확한 도시는 알지 못하지만 한번 찾아보세요! 뭐랄까 약간 정글 (발리 우붓 느낌)같으면서 멋있어 보였습니다.


2024-03-16 22:06:52

그러게요. 코스타리카가 자연 좋아하면 좋다는 이야기가 많이 보이네요. 힌트 감사합니다!


2024-03-16 21:51:55

뭘 좋아하시냐에 따라 다를 것 같은데 개인적으로 멕시코 시티는 기대 이상으로 너무 좋았고 (특히 음식/미술 관련) 친구 결혼식으로 San Miguel de allende도 다녀왔는데 굉장히 예뻤어요. 미국인들이 많이 destination wedding하는 곳이라 나름 미국스럽(?)기도 하고요. 제 멕시코 친구는 식도락 여행으론 oaxaca를 따라올 곳이 없다 얘기했는데 아직 가보지를 못했네요. 과테말라 아티틀란은 나름 유명한 곳인데 멀미 하시거나 비포장 도로+장거리 버스를 어려워 하시면 여기보단 tikal을 더 추천 드려요. P2분이 중남미를 좀 두려워(?)하시는 듯한데 전 의외로 멕시코 시티를 추천드려요 볼것도 먹을것도 많고 특정 neighbordhood에만 계시면 그냥 한국 미국 대도시 같은 느낌 + 온화한 기후라서 특별히 불편한 없이 좋은 여행 하실 수 있을거에요. 은근 중남미 휴양지 (멕시코 동서쪽 유명한 휴양지들 제외) aka 사진이 예쁜 곳들은 가기가 조금 어려워서 바다/휴양지랑 친하지 않은 p2분에게 은근 의외로 난이도가 더 높을 것 같기도 하고요. 


2024-03-16 22:08:29

와 자세한 추천 너무 감사합니다. 제 생각에도 잘 모르는 사람은 멕시코시티부터 가보면 좋을 듯 한데 무서운 뉴스들 보고선 정 가고 싶으면 혼자가라네요. ㅠㅠ


2024-03-16 23:48:42

나름 멕시코에만 8번 놀러 가봤습니다. (물론 더 많이/자주 가보신 분들 계시겠지요.) 아래는 저의 개인적인 멕시코 추천순서 입니다.


멕시코 시티 - 처음 새로운 나라를 방문하시면 그 나라의 수도만큼 방문하기 좋은 destination도 드물겁니다. 멕시코도 마찬가지라고 생각하고요. 광장과 성당을 비롯하여 볼거리들이 꽤 많습니다. 테오티우아칸이라든가 조금 멀리는 Puebla까지도요.

과나후아토/산미겔데아옌데 - 작고 아담하고 아름다운 동네입니다. 동네광장 중심에서 돌아다니며 분위기를 만끽 하기에 좋은 것 같아요.

메리다 - 아마 유카탄의 주도일 것 같은데요. 도시나 주변에 마야 유적지를 보기에 좋습니다.

과달라하라 - 여기도 괜찮은데 위의 관광지랑 비교하면 약간 후순위 같아요.

오아하카 - 다음번 멕시코 방문지로 찜 해놓은 곳인데 사람이 교만해 지면서 멕시코를 잘 안가게 되었네요. 한번 꼭 가보고 싶은 동네긴 합니다.


위에 말씀드린 곳 대부분이 유네스코 세계 유산으로 지정된 곳입니다.


파나마 - 굳이 여기를 여행으로 추천 드려야 하나 싶긴 합니다. 멕시코를 안가보셨다면 단연 멕시코를 먼저 가 보시라고 추천 드리고 싶네요.

에콰도르 - 쓰려고보니 여긴 그냥 남미라고 해야겠네요;;; 파나마 가실바엔 조금 더 가셔서 에콰도르를 가시는게.. 다만 안전한지 미리 확인해 보세요.


미국에 살다가 멕시코를 방문하면 여러모로 낙후(?) 혹은 덜 발전 되었다는 생각이 드는데요. 다른 중/남미 국가들을 가보면 멕시코 만한데도 드믈구나란 생각이 듭니다. 그래서저는 여행지로 멕시코는 강추합니다. 물론 어디로 가시든 여행에선 항상 안전에 유의하셔야 겠지요. 


2024-03-18 00:05:07

여태까지는 멕시코시티와 와하까가 제일 많이 추천하시는 동네네요. 감사합니다! 파나마는 환승하면서 운하 보고 싶어서요^^


2024-03-17 21:56:07

Copan 은 Antigua 랑 비슷한데, 유적지가 근처에 있어서 가볼만은 했던거 같아요. 그런데 그렇다고 며칠 묵을 만한 동네는 아니에요. 그 근처에 뭐가 많이 없어요. Copan 에서 이박, Roatan 섬에 들려서 3박 정도 하면 괜찮을 듯해요. 안티구아는 공항에서 좀 멀긴 한데, 한 3박이면 충분할거 같아요. 


멕시코시티는 서울 같았어요. 어느 도시이던지 밤에는 위험한 곳은 가면 안되는데, 밤에 사람들 많이 다니고, 위험한거 못느꼈습니다. 


2024-03-18 00:03:40

쳇봇이 알려준 리스트 중 온두라스와 과테말라에 있는 곳들이군요. P2에게 먼저 멕시코시티부터 떠먹여보고 먼저 성공을 맛본 후 도전해야겠습니다^^ 감사합니다!


2024-03-17 22:02:45

Oaxaca, Mexico City 둘다 너무 좋았어서 추천 이요.  제가 Oaxaca 짧게 마일모아에 글도 썼었어요.


2024-03-18 00:00:10

여행기 잘 봤습니다. 소개 너무 감사합니다. 와하까 라고 읽는군요^^




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