


마일모아 게시판   [질문-기타]
Corporate housing company?

정규직백수 | 2024.06.01 17:23:54 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

얼마전 질로우를 통해서 아래 메세지를 받았습니다


I absolutely love your rental, love the area as well. I'm extremely interested in renting your property. I own a corporate housing company. I primarily work with traveling nurses, doctors, chiropractors, business professionals,ceo's,and relocators. Sometimes they stay for a week or so and sometimes they stay for several months. Here's a few things that we do as a company that you will love, number one we have no smokers, no pets, and generally no little children. We make sure your property stays in immaculate condition, in fact, the property will be in better condition when we leave than it is right now. We handle all small maintenance on the property and don't bug you with anything under a few hundred dollars. The property is cleaned every single week by our professional cleaning company and we furnish the property with high-quality items. Our guests are generally not using the appliances nearly as much as a long-term tenant would because they usually eat out. I would love to talk to you further about seeing the property and renting it as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions and I'm excited to have a great working relationship with you.


지금 사는 동네 주변에 병원이 있어서 병원 직원들이 근처에 많이 살고 있고

단기 계약?으로 일하는 의/간호사 상대로 단기렌트 하는 집들도 본적이 있어서

허무맹랑한 스캠은 아닌 것 같은데,

위 같은 구조에 대해서 아는 바가 없어서 조언을 구합니다.


긍정적으로 보면 vacancy 걱정할 필요 없이 안정적인 렌트수입이 들어오는 점, 간단한 유지보수나 테넌트를 구하는 일을 대신 해준다는게 좋고,

부정적으로 보면 저희 집을 가지고 섭리즈를 한다는 점 같은데..


혹시 위 같은 구조에 대해 아시는 분 있을까요?

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