


마일모아 게시판   [질문-기타]
[업데이트: 실제 티켓이 메일로 왔어요] Hertz에서 프랑스에서 Traffic Violation이 있다며 인보이스가 왔습니다

케켁켁 | 2024.06.13 16:38:07 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

-6월19일 업데이트-

며칠전에 실제로 traffic ticket이 왔네요.

새벽에 공항으로 돌아가는 길에서 찍힌거 같은데.. 실제 사진은 없구요

70km 구간에서 78km로 달렸다고 하네요.. 5마일 넘었다고 티켓을 ㅜㅜ

violation 45유로 + Hertz 수수료 20유로.. 총 65유로

프랑스에 다시 방문할 생각이 있다면 티켓은 내야 겠네요.

아래 댓글 주신 분들 감사합니다~





제가 지난달에 프랑스 니스로 여행을 다녀왔는데요, Nice 공항에서 Hertz로 렌트카를 3일 해서 돌아 다녔습니다.

그런데 한달+일주일이 지난 오늘 Hertz에서 traffic violation이 있다면 administration fee를 내라고 인보이스가 왔습니다.



Dear Sir, Madam,

We are writing this letter to call your attention to the above referenced invoice with Hertz.

We inform you that the invoice amount 19.99 EUR is regarding an administrative fee and / or fine due to a traffic violation that you received during your rental with Hertz.

An administration fee is billed each time the local authorities contact Hertz for information.

Should the invoice not include a fine amount, this means the fine will be issued to you directly by the authorities. The fine invoice from the authority will include all the necessary payment details.

Please ensure the payment of 19.99 EUR reaches us, within the next 7 days via the following bank account details, quoting the invoice number as reference:

Owner: Hertz France S.A.S
Bank: Deutsche Bank AG
IBAN: FR7617789000011051127000023

For an online payment with your Visa, MasterCard, or Amex please visit our secure website: https://www.hertzonlinepayments.com/fr/en

Cheques are no longer accepted.

Should a payment have been sent prior to this notification, please advise details.

It is important to note that failure to pay this open balance in full, will result in escalation of this Debt to an external Debt collection agency, where additional fees may be incurred. This will also impact your ability to rent with Hertz Globally in the future. Please ensure all payments are made to the bank details outlined in this communication using the Hertz Invoice number as reference, to ensure accurate allocation to this Debt. Please ensure any disputes with all relevant details and paperwork are sent to this email address using the Invoice number as reference within 5 working days, receipt of this notification means any disputes previously raised to any division of  Hertz have been closed and charges deemed correct and due. Please see  https://www.hertz.co.uk for details of our Terms and Conditions of Rental and our privacy policy.

Thanking you in advance for your business and anticipating a prompt payment response.

Yours Sincerely,

Your Hertz Collections Team


아직 실제 violation ticket은 받은게 없습니다.


첨부된 인보이스에는 아래와 같은 섹션이 있구요

Type d'infraction: Infraction code de la route

Notification: 04366XXXXX

Date: 06/05/2024

Emise le: 06/05/2024

Emise par:


Immat. du vehicule: GV-XXX-XX

No. de Contrat: 5503XXXXX

Ref. Societe: 00000436XXXXXX


구글 번역을 하니 이렇게 나오네요.

Type of offense: Traffic offense
Notification: 04366XXXXX
Date: 06/05/2024
Issued on: 06/05/2024
Issued by:
Country: France
Immat. of vehicle: GV-XXX-XX
Contract No.: 5503XXXXX
Ref. Company: 00000436XXXXXX


문제는 5월6일에는 제가 탄 비행기가 오전 06:00 비행기라 렌트카를 04:30 이전에 공항 렌트카 드랍 파킹랏에 두고 키도 드랍하고 왔는데요,

차도 잘 안나가서 스피딩같은것도 안하고 여유있게 천천히 공항에 가서 두고 왔는데 어떤 violation이 있었는지 모르겠네요.

아무튼 이런 경험 있으신 분 계신가요?

이메일에는 7일 내로 돈을 내라는데 아직 어떤 violation인지도 모르는 상태에서 내야 할 필요는 없겠죠?

프랑스에서 미국 집으로 티켓을 보내는지.. 이게 오면 내야 하는건지.. 비슷한 경험 있으신 분 조언 부탁드립니다~

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