


마일모아 게시판   [정보]
hard pull 없이 credit limit 올리기

dogdealer | 2012.02.20 19:00:27 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

안녕하세요 마일모아 가입 2달차 dogdealer입니다..

주말에 게시판이 닫혀있어서 첨부터 끝까지 정독을 했습니다 ㅎ

이제는 공략본을 첨부터 끝까지 읽고 rpg 게임을 하는 느낌입니다 ^^;

저같은 초보 마적단 분들에게는 아주아주 강추x3 해드립니다!!!

본론으로 들어가서..

credit limit이 높아지면 좋은점은 당연히 더 많이 긁을수 있는거와..

늘어난 limit 덕분에 credit utilization 이 낮아져서 점수향상에 조금이나마 도움이 되는거죠..

보통 카드를 오픈하고 사용하면서 6개월마다 한번씩 CLI를 해주는게 가장 좋다고 하네요..

그럼.. 은행마다 요구조건이 다 다른데요.. 마적단 분들이 사랑하는 chase는 안타깝게도 무조건 하드풀이라고 합니다 ㅜㅜ

Expect a Hard:

Barclay's Business (i.e. Bank Atlantic) - per call on 1/9/09 however soft when done to new account (12/1/09)

Chase - almost always - regardless

Citi - when subitting the form online after hitting the cli button: New website design note - button seems to appear / disappear every 90 days or so after a successful CLI.

Discover - when already at or beyond 15k

FNBO - Always hard through form.

No Hard Pull:

Juniper / Barclay's - Call the number on the back of your card and speak to CSR and ask if you qualify for an increase (they did not ask me any income related questions).

Discover (personal) - Discover now has an automated credit limit increase service in their voice response system (number on back of card: 1-800-DISCOVER). The automated system prompts for desired dollar increase in credit limit and annual household income (both of which are keyed in using touchtone phone.) Alternately, a CSR may be able to still take the request. The required wait time between increases is 6 months. (as of June 10, 2010)

US Bank (personal) - Call the number on the back of your card and speak to CSR and ask if you qualify for an increase without hard pull, CSR mentioned every 3 months with usage = at least 20% (they did not ask me any income related questions).

Wells Fargo - Call CSR, Ask for increase without Hard pull. Call back if your CSR says "We have to hard pull/It's a secret".

USAA - Initial check. Can choose to allow inquiry to try for additional review/boost

Citi - No credit check unless rep asks you for income information; cli is instant; otherwise hard will follow

AMEX - Use online form for no-hard CLI. Be warned of Financial Reviews though if you ask for too much. (usually up to $24,999 without additional info needed)

Bank of America - Use online form for no-hard CLI.

WalMart - Use online form for no-hard CLI. Every 6 months usually.

Principal - No credit check for pre-approved limit increase. If you want more then you will get a hard.

WAMU - Unable to request CLI. Neither online nor over phone. CLI's done "periodically" 

fatwallet에서 퍼온건데.. 예전 정보도 있고 또한 정확하지 안을수 있으니까 참고용으로 사용하세요..

참고로 얼마전에 CLI를 한 제 bofa 크레딧카드는 하드풀을 하더군요..

2500에서 5000으로 요구하니까 하드풀한다 하길레.. 어딜 쓰냐? 물어보니 TU라고 해서 땡큐하고 하라고했습니다.. (현재 EX9개, EQ8개, TU2개)

HSBC를 쓰는 best buy store card와 credit card 두가지 다 온라인으로 CLI 했습니다.. (하드풀 없이 인스턴트로요..)

제가 가장 오래 쓴 chase slate카드는 리밋좀 올리고 싶은데.. inquiry가 많아서 쓰기가 아깝더라구요 ㅜㅜ;;

고수분들은 어떤방식으로 CLI 하시는지.. 알려주세요~~ ^^;

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