


마일모아 게시판   [정보]
2/25일부터 awardwallet에서 AA 마일리지 확인불가

Heesohn | 2012.02.24 08:40:08 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

다른 분들도 메일 받으셨겠지만.. 암튼 AA에서 딴지를 걸더니 결국엔 awardwallet에서 아예 마일확인을 못 하게 만들었네요.

앞으로는 어카운트 확인할때마다 따로 AA 사이트에 들어가서 확인해야 할 것 같습니다.

지금 가지고 계신 어카운트 넘버들은 꼭 따로 세이브를 하셔야 할 것 같네요.


We regret to inform you that we will be discontinuing support for the AwardWallet browser extension on February 25, 2012. 

This means that you will no longer be able to track your American Airlines related information (balance, status, etc.) on AwardWallet.com.


We have been forced to take this action by American Airlines' stance toward AwardWallet. 

We created the browser extension in order to address American Airlines' concern that AwardWallet was collecting customers' mileage data. 

We believe the extension addressed this concern because it simply collected your mileage data and stored it locally on your computer. 

American Airlines, however, objects to the extension. It's position appears to be that AwardWallet is prohibited from providing any software 

tool that facilitates the ability to track the customer's American Airlines' mileage information. We think this is unfortunate. 

If you have any questions about this matter please do not reply to this email, instead lets have a discussion in the forum: 


Please make a note of your AAdvantage number and password as you will not be able to see it on AwardWallet.com after we make this change. 

Thank you for your continued support of Awardwallet.com!

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