


마일모아 게시판 BA CHASE $75 Annual fee 안내기

wonie | 2010.03.23 03:24:47 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기
안녕하세요?  궁금한게 있어서 글 올립니다.
BA CHASE 100,000마일이 지난주 초쯤에 잘 들어왔고, $2000이상 돈쓴것도 Online상으로 다 paid하였습니다.
근데 $75 annual fee가 아직 charge되지 않았기에 어제 어카운트를 close요청했고 방금 확인해보니 closed되었다고 메세지가 와있습니다.
아래는 제가 받은 메세지의 일부분입니다.

Dear xxxxx,

In response to your request to close your account ending
in xxxx, this is to confirm I have closed your account as
of 03/22/2010. All non-transferred rewards points will be
forfeited due to the closure of your account

If you have not already done so, please remember to take
the following actions:
- Destroy all cards and checks for this account.
- Contact any merchants with whom you have any
pre-authorized transactions automatically billed to this
account to make other payment arrangements.

이부분이 궁금하네요.

"All non-transferred rewards points will be
forfeited due to the closure of your account

설마 BA 100,000마일 다시 가져가지는 않겠죠? ;;;

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