


마일모아 게시판   [정보-항공]
Southwest 남미 취항도시 추가

사과 | 2015.10.27 05:00:52 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

우리의 싸웨가 캐리비안에 이어 멕시코시티 남미쪽 취항을 확장하고 있어요~~~

컴패니언 끝나가는데, 한번 더 해야 겠어요.


Southwest Airlines Files Applications To Serve Four Destinations In Mexico Plus Belize And Costa Rica From Houston (Hobby)

Service between Houston and six destinations in three countries to begin in October 2015, subject to government approval: Cancun, Mexico City, Puerto Vallarta, and San Jose del Cabo/Los Cabos, Mexico; San Jose, Costa Rica; and Belize City, Belize

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