


마일모아 게시판 SkyGuide Executive Privilege club

처음처험 | 2011.03.07 08:54:57 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

마일리지와 관련있는건 아니고요, 아멕스카드 사용자인데, SkyGuide Executive Privilege Club 에 가입하면, $100 레스토랑 certificate 2장과 airport lounge day pass $50 까지 일년에 12번 reimburse 해준다는 email 이 아래와 같이 왔습니다.  언제든지 회원탈퇴할 수 있다고 하고요...  이거 신청하면, credit card 처럼 credit inquiry 가 되나요?  그러면 안 신청할려고요.  혹시 경험 있으신분의 경험담 바랍니다.  항상 정보만 얻는데, 저고 빨리 전문가가 되어서 정보를 드릴수 있는 날이 오기를 바랍니다 :)




Good news! You are among a select group of American Express Cardmembers specifically chosen to receive two $100 Restaurant Certificates* — worth a total of up to $200 — just for trying the first 2 months of membership in the SkyGuide Executive Privilege Club. You’ll pay a one-time club processing fee of $2.99 to activate your membership. If you are 100% satisfied, do nothing and your membership will continue at special Cardmember rates.
Get 2 Free Airline Companion Tickets
You've nothing to lose with this special offer. The 2 Restaurant Certificates are good for savings at more than 16,000 restaurants nationwide. Consider them our way of saying "Thank You."
Receive access to Airport Clubs Worldwide
Unwind, refresh and decompress… on us! As a SkyGuide Executive Privilege Club member, you can visit any airport lounge and we'll reimburse you up to $50.00 on your one-day pass 12 times per year!** And that's just one of a host of club benefits and savings that are yours to sample for 2 months!
You are under no obligation to continue... and the two $100 Restaurant Certificates are yours to keep.
Marshall Corey
Vice President, Marketing

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