
Saudia new first class? (Nov 2016?)

aicha, 2016-06-16 19:33:59

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오늘 델타 비즈 5만 뙇~ 승인뜨니, lucky 옵빠 왈, 올해 말 정도에 Saudia new first class (B777-300ER)  나올거라는 소식이 있다네요. 호~ 

일단 뽀샵 사진발로는 매우 알흠답네요. 댓글들이 지적한 것처럼 분위기/색감이 Garuda F 와 상당히 비슷. 이제 좀 낡은 티가 나는 EY A346 F 보다 훨 나은 듯…

전 델타 마땅히 쓸데가 없어 alitalia new biz  에 쓸까 했는데 (근데 저 아래 제가 밀란 가서 샘플로 본거 찍은 사진에도 보이듯이, 가죽은 좋은지 몰라도 색감이 정말 꽝~ 입니다요,  실제 봐도 별로 고급스럽지 않음) , 더 고이 묵혀놓았다가 내년에 좀 Saudia 에 몰아서 new F & J 에 쓰고 싶네요.

질문: Saudia 뉴 비즈 헤링본이 B787 에 들어가 있다는데... 항공사별로 특정 기종이 들어가는 루트들을 한꺼번에 몰아서 보여주는 싸이트 있나요?

new F


new J

Sauida new biz.jpg

Alitalia new biz sample


2 댓글


2016-06-17 00:32:10

You can track where 787s fly


2016-06-17 04:41:18

oh ~ many thanks, but saudia is not on the list...  -_-;;

just fyi:

According to its latest schedule update, Saudia will place the 787-9 into passenger operation from February 1, 2016 with its first scheduled flight due to operate as ‘SV1020’ between Jeddah and Riyadh. The type will be used on various frequencies on this route as well as between Jeddah and King Fahd International Airport in Dammam, while links from both Jeddah (daily on the SV588/589 rotation until February 29, 2016) and Riyadh (various frequencies) to Dubai will commence the same day.
These flights will cover an initial period of crew familiarisation before the type is introduced on longer missions to Europe and Asia. From March 1, 2016 the 787-9 is due to be introduced on the airline’s daily flights between Jeddah and Paris CDG, as well as four times weekly on Jeddah – Manchester, twice weekly on Jeddah – Guangzhou and three times weekly on Riyadh – Guangzhou.

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