
[유출] 새 메리엇/SPG/릿츠 칼튼 통합 T&C 유출

레딧처닝, 2018-08-11 13:47:33

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플톡에 새 메리엇 T&C가 유출이 됫습니다!


물론 바뀔 가능성이 매우 높지만 혹시라도 궁금하신분들은 읽어보셔도 될꺼 같네요 :)



링크 to T&C:  


출처 : phltraveler 


눈에 뛰는 몇몇 중요한 요소들


1) "Members can transfer up to a maximum of 50,000 Points per calendar year between any two accounts in good standing that have each been open for at least sixty (60) days, whether sending or receiving Points. "


SPG는 transfer가 limit 이 없엇지만 marriott은 5만 transfer limit이 잇을겁니다.


2) "Once per calendar year and only at the time of an Award Redemption, a Member may exceed the 50,000 Point maximum into the Loyalty Program account of a friend or family member in order to qualify for a specific Award in accordance with this section."


award redemption을 위해서 one time per calendar year로 5만 포인트 이상 transfer할수가 잇다고 하네요


3) "Free Night Awards at the following locations require a higher amount of Points either because the Participating Property does not have standard rooms or the standard rooms it offers have a mandatory full board requirement in peak seasons:


Vana Belle, a Luxury Collection Resort, Koh Samui, Thailand; The Naka Island, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Phuket, Thailand; Sheraton Steamboat Resort Villas, Steamboat Springs, Colorado; The Westin Golf Resort & Spa, Playa Conchal, Costa Rica; The St. Regis Bora Bora and the Le Méridien Bora Bora, Bora Bora, French Polynesia; Mystique, a Luxury Collection Resort, Santorini, Santorini, Greece; The St. Regis Bali Resort, Nusa Dua, Indonesia; Hotel Cala di Volpe, Hotel Pitrizza, and Hotel Romazzino, Costa Smeralda, Italy; W Maldives, North Ari Atoll, Maldives; W Koh Samui, Surat Thani, Thailand; Al Maha, a Luxury Collection Desert Resort & Spa, Dubai, U.A.E.; St. Regis Residence Club, Aspen, Aspen, CO; and Phoenician Residences, a Luxury Collection Residence Club, Scottsdale, AZ."


카테고리 변화로 대박 reservation을 노리셧던분들껜 아쉬운 소식입니다. 포인트 해주신 @sugarplum 님께 감사드립니다



혹시라도 다른 중요한점을 찾으신분들은 댓글로 남겨주시면 감사하겟습니다!!

5 댓글


2018-08-11 13:59:36

이 문구가 눈에 띄네요.


Free Night Awards at the following locations require a higher amount of Points either because the Participating Property does not have standard rooms or the standard rooms it offers have a mandatory full board requirement in peak seasons:  Vana Belle, a Luxury Collection Resort, Koh Samui, Thailand; The Naka Island, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Phuket, Thailand; Sheraton Steamboat Resort Villas, Steamboat Springs, Colorado; The Westin Golf Resort & Spa, Playa Conchal, Costa Rica; The St. Regis Bora Bora and the Le Méridien Bora Bora, Bora Bora, French Polynesia; Mystique, a Luxury Collection Resort, Santorini, Santorini, Greece; The St. Regis Bali Resort, Nusa Dua, Indonesia; Hotel Cala di Volpe, Hotel Pitrizza, and Hotel Romazzino, Costa Smeralda, Italy; W Maldives,  North Ari Atoll, Maldives; W Koh Samui, Surat Thani, Thailand; Al Maha, a Luxury Collection Desert Resort & Spa, Dubai, U.A.E.; St. Regis Residence Club, Aspen, Aspen, CO; and Phoenician Residences, a Luxury Collection Residence Club, Scottsdale, AZ.


2018-08-11 14:11:59

ㅠㅠ 역시 저렇게 딱 막아놓는군요 ㅠㅠ


2018-08-11 14:31:54

St. Regis Maldives 빠졌네요 ㅋㅋㅋ


2018-08-11 16:03:54

보기 좋기 줄 나눔을 해봤습니다 ㅠㅠ


Vana Belle, a Luxury Collection Resort, Koh Samui, Thailand;

The Naka Island, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Phuket, Thailand;

Sheraton Steamboat Resort Villas, Steamboat Springs, Colorado;

The Westin Golf Resort & Spa, Playa Conchal, Costa Rica;

The St. Regis Bora Bora and the Le Méridien Bora Bora, Bora Bora, French Polynesia;

Mystique, a Luxury Collection Resort, Santorini, Santorini, Greece;

The St. Regis Bali Resort, Nusa Dua, Indonesia;

Hotel Cala di Volpe, Hotel Pitrizza, and Hotel Romazzino, Costa Smeralda, Italy;

W Maldives,  North Ari Atoll, Maldives;

W Koh Samui, Surat Thani, Thailand;

Al Maha, a Luxury Collection Desert Resort & Spa, Dubai, U.A.E.;

St. Regis Residence Club, Aspen, Aspen, CO;

Phoenician Residences, a Luxury Collection Residence Club, Scottsdale, AZ.


2018-08-11 16:54:26

이른바 꿈도 꾸지 말라는 경고겠군요 ㅜㅜ


메리엇.. 잊지 읺겠다 ㅜㅜ


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