


마일모아 게시판   [정보-항공]
3/20 (새 노선 추가 OAK/SJC-KOA) 싸웨 하와이: 티켓 판매 & 예약 시작

24시간 | 2019.01.24 16:25:48 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기


새 노선 추가 업데이트가 있습니다.


​as of 3/20/19.

Mainland to Hawaii Routes

OAK-HNL (started March 17th)

OAK-OGG (starting April 7th)

OAK-KOA (starting May 12th) NEW


SJC-HNL (starting May 5th)

SJC-KOA (starting May 12th) NEW

SJC-OGG (starting May 26th)


Interisland Routes

HNL-OGG (starting April 28th)

HNL-KOA (starting May 12th)


출처 frequentbusinesstraveler




오래기다리셨습니다~ 드디어!! 티켓팅 시작 했습니다~~~~ 일단 가격도 착해 보이네요!!

싸웨 타고 하와이 가즈아 !!!



비 캘리포니아 거주자 검색 툴 : https://www.southwest.com/travel_center/routemap_dyn.html?clk=HAWAII-CONNECTING-MKTS


​as of 3/4/19.

Mainland to Hawaii Routes

OAK-HNL (starting March 17th but now showing sold out for that date)

SJC-HNL (starting May 5th)

OAK-OGG (starting April 7th)

SJC-OGG (starting May 5th)

Interisland Routes

HNL-OGG (starting April 28th)

HNL-KOA (starting May 12th)


Southwest Airlines flights to Hawaii are now bookable. Go go go!

Tried to make a post but it got shut down by automod

Doing a quick search it appears flights are available as low as $49 one way (1950 RR points) from the mainland to Hawaii. I see flights starting March 17th (OAK-HNL).

Interisland flights are also bookable starting at $29 one way (1379 RR points) starting April 28th (HNL-OGG).









이틀전 FAA에서 verbal approval 받고 오늘 정식 approval 을 받았다고 합니다

정말 조만간 취항 날짜와 티켓 판매 detail 이 나올거 같습니다. 업데이트 하겠습니다~




드디어 싸웨가 FAA에서 verbal approval 를 받았다고 하네요.

오늘 달라스에서 있었던 rally에서 싸웨 CEO가 직원들에게 승인 소식을 전했다고 합니다. 조만간 정식 approval 을 받을 예정이라고 하네요.

아직 취항 날짜와 티켓 판매에 대한 구체적인 계획은 나오지 않은 상태 이지만, 마지막 단계를 넘었으니 곧 발표가 있을거 같습니다.


Southwest Airlines has received verbal approval from the FAA to begin Hawaii flights, with formal approval expected in the coming days, CEO Gary Kelly told employees at a rally in Dallas Monday. Southwest did not release any details on the timing of ticket sales, when the flights will begin or where it will launch the first flights.

"Our commercial and operational teams are finalizing our timelines for announcing the sale of tickets and preparing to publish schedules for Southwest service to the Hawaiian Islands,'' Southwest said in a statement after the rally.

"We will announce more details after we receive an official ETOPS authorization.''




어제 Oakland to Honolulu 싸웨 테스트 비행이 완료되었습니다.

마지막 최종 승인을 받고 나서 하와이행 티켓 세일도 시작 할거라고 하는데 얼마나 걸린지는 조금 더 주고봐야 알거 같다고 합니다

“Once we pass all phases of the ETOPS application process to the satisfaction of the FAA and receive our ETOPS authorization,”




A Southwest Airlines 737 800 flight lands for the first time at Honolulu International Airport, Tuesday, February 5, 2019, in Honolulu. (Marco Garcia/The Points Guy)

A Southwest Airlines 737 800 flight lands for the first time at Honolulu International Airport, Tuesday, February 5, 2019, in Honolulu. (Marco Garcia/The Points Guy)

Southwest Airlines crew celebrate their inaugural flight to Hawaii at the Honolulu International Airport, Tuesday, February 5, 2019, in Honolulu. (Marco Garcia/The Points Guy)

Southwest Airlines crew celebrate their inaugural flight to Hawaii at the Honolulu International Airport, Tuesday, February 5, 2019, in Honolulu. (Marco Garcia/The Points Guy)





혹시 관심있는 분들이 계실까해서 업데이트 합니다

현재 오클랜드 발 싸웨 비행기가 호노룰루를 향해 순조롭게 비행중이네요







싸웨 하와이행 (Oakland to Honolulu), 첫 테스트 비행을 내일 2/5에 한다고 합니다.

“With the successful tabletop accomplished, I can now confirm that we are slated to perform a long range navigation and communication validation flight from Oakland to Honolulu on Tuesday, February 5, barring any unforeseen changes,” a spokesperson for the airline told TPG in an email on Monday.

출처 thepointsguy




정부 셧다운으로 인해

싸웨 하와이 취항 이 늦어지고 있는 가운데,

Southwest Chief Operating Officer가 셧다운이 일주일 안에 끝나면 3월말, 아니라면 4-6월 사이에 취항 할것이라고 했다네요

Southwest Chief Operating Officer Mike Van de Ven said the airline has a "reasonable chance'' of beginning service by the end of March if the shutdown ends within a week.

"Otherwise, it will actually be in the second quarter,'' he said.

The second quarter runs from April through June.


출처 https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/flights/2019/01/24/southwest-airlines-hawaii-flights-delayed-months-government-shutdown/2667974002/

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