
Amoma cease trading - Amoma 통해서 부킹하신 분들 주의하세요

레니게이드, 2019-09-14 02:45:35

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안녕하세요 오늘 Amoma에서 이메일을 하나 받았는데 부킹이 캔슬될거라고 하는군요. 

저는 부킹해놓은 호텔이 하나 있어서 내일 호텔에 전화해보고 예약 취소 후 환불을 시도해볼 생각이에요. Refund를 받지 못할까 걱정되긴 하네요 ㅠ

혹시 이런경우를 대비해서 카드지불정지를 한다든지 하는 방법이 가능할까요? 결제는 Chase IHG Mastercard로 하였습니다.


아래는 이메일의 내용입니다.






Cease trading notification Your booking will probably be cancelled by our suppliers.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Clients,

Since its creation, AMOMA has always strived, with success, to find the best value for money for its customers.

Entities that claim to act as "price comparators" are, in effect, media agencies that redirect consumers to entities like ours against paying a cost per click. These media agencies are sometimes owned by companies operating in the same segment as ours, which has a negative impact on free competition. They are currently in a dominant position in the market and we think that this is to the detriment of the end consumers. Indeed, having taken the place that is theirs today, these entities unilaterally impose unsustainable financial conditions for us, because we work at the fair price to benefit our customers, not to benefit these media agencies.

The result is a market concentration in which only a very small circle of majors Online Travel Agencies can survive. You probably also know that the public authorities are currently opening investigation procedures against these entities, notably in Australia, Spain - and most recently, as reported in the press, in the United States.

However, these commercial practices that are unilaterally imposed on us make the continuation of our activities impossible. We therefore regret to have to inform you of the cessation of our activities, with immediate effect.

For those who have booked rooms via our website:


  • Contact the reserved hotel to inquire about the provision of the service.
  • Contact your payment institution or your travel insurance.

While we regret to have to announce the above, we send you, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Clients, our best regards.

2 댓글


2019-09-14 04:50:14

아모마 망한건가요??


2019-09-14 11:20:01

네 아무래도 그런 것 같네요 ㅠ


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