


마일모아 게시판   [정보-은퇴]
[레딧 펌] I retired today!

잭울보스키 | 2021.08.13 10:00:41 | 본문 건너뛰기 | 댓글 건너뛰기 쓰기

제 폰 알림창에 이 포스트가 떠서 읽어봤습니다.    댓글이 오백개가 넘게 달린 글인데 은퇴에 관심이 있으신 분들 한번 읽어볼만 합니다. 


OP 에 대해 말하자면, 


1. 나이는 39세 Tech guy.  15년동안 일했고 마지막 3년은 파트타임

2. P2는 내년에 은퇴 예정.  슬하에 아이 한명. 

3. 재산은 집 포함해서 $2.3M

4. 투자는 2015년 부터 본격적으로 시작.  그전에는 그냥 Cash savings.

5. 투자 금액의 2.5% 를 매년 찾아서 생활비로 충당할 예정.


댓글 Q/A 중에 기억나는 몇가지 추려본다면 ;


1. 의료보험은 연 소득을 잘 조절해가며 오바마 케어를 할 계획 (가장 많은 질문이었습니다.)


2. 사는곳은 .NYC 이고 800 SQ Ft 콘도에 세가족이 생활. 나중에 변두리 싼곳으로 이사갈 예정.


3. 투자는 뱅가드 인덱스 펀드인데 처음에는 Large cap, mid cap, small cap 이렇게 따로 펀드를 하다가  3가지 다 있는 VTSAX 로 옮기고 지금은  VTWAX,.그리고 본드 20%  : 펀드 80% AA.


4. 39세 인데 Roth IRA 에서 생활비 일부를  인출하기 시작하면 벌금은 ? 또다른 댓글이 Contribution은 벌금이 없다고 알려줌.


5. 또 다른 댓글중에 한사람이 자기도 39세에 $2M 으로 은퇴한 IT guy 인데 지금 52세라고 함.  이 사람의 조언은 Homestead 를 하라고 함. (자급자족) Grow your own food, raise your own protein, generate your own electricity, and collect your own water. (저도 이 중 3가지는 하고 있습니다. ㅎㅎ)


6. OP 가 마지막 3년 파트타임 한 계기가 아이가 다니는 데이케어가 문을 닫았는데 다른곳으로 보내고 싶지 않아서 본인과 P2 둘다 파트타임 으로 하며 집에서 아이를 돌봄. OP의 조언은 직장에서 본인의 능력을 보여주면 파트타임 규정이 없어도 만들어줌.  회사쪽에서도 일 잘하는 직원 파트타임으로 80% 고용해서 계속 남이있게 하는게  그 직원이 퇴사해서 0% 되는것보다 낫다고 생각한다고 함.


7. 은퇴후의 생활은 독서, 정원일 , 규칙적인 운동, 요리, 잡다한 집안일 그리고 여행 (저와 아주 똑같습니다. )


댓글이 너무 많아 다 읽지 못했는데 이정도 입니다.  



가입도 하지 않았는데 왜 제폰에 떴는지는 모르겠지만 원글 링크는 아래에 있습니다.




OP 의 글만 카피해서 올립니다.


"I retired today!

Today was my last day of work. It feels surreal to say it.

The backstory: 39, married, 1 kid, $2.3M NW, zero debt. Yet another tech guy. I've always been a pretty good saver, but I didn't know much about investing and was keeping most of it in cash. I discovered Mr. Money Mustache in 2015, and it was the wakeup call I needed. Once I understood the principles of FIRE, it seemed so obvious I couldn't believe I hadn't figured it out for myself. I put the pedal to the metal and focused on cutting out unnecessary expenses, paying down debt and building up a taxable brokerage account. Through sheer luck, I picked a good time to do it. The markets have been very kind to investors these last few years.

I've been working for 15 years, full-time for 12 of those. In the last few years of my career, I cut back to part-time, and I recommend it to everyone. It's a far more civilized way to work: less stress, more free time, the ability to run errands on weekdays while my kid was in school and the stores aren't busy. It was like a test run for FIRE.

I'm planning on a WR around 2.5%. I lean pessimistic about future investment returns. The stock market is really expensive, verging on overpriced, and I expect climate change and population decline to take a bite out of economic growth in the next few decades. If I'm wrong about that and growth continues on the historical trajectory (or even accelerates!), I'll be rich later in life, which is fine with me.

This is a higher NW than I expected to retire with. My original plan was to quit in 2020, until COVID threw a wrench in that plan. While the world was in lockdown and no one could travel or have fun, I figured there was no harm in working OMY and throwing some more cash into my accounts while the markets were down. The post-COVID snapback was a lot more vigorous than I expected.

Oh, and the markets gave me a nice little bump today. That was a pretty neat farewell present!

I don't have any ambitious plans for the near future. My wife is working a little longer (she'll probably retire in 2022), and we're tied to my kid's school schedule. I've heard that most early retirees need a few months to decompress, and I want to give myself that time.

I'm planning on reading lots of books, working on my garden, establishing a regular exercise routine, fancier home cooking, and doing chores and projects around the house I've been putting off for years. I'm staying local for now, but planning a lot of travel as the vaccine rolls out and more countries open up. I want to see as many U.S. national parks and UNESCO World Heritage sites as I can.

Happy to answer questions! Or you can just tell me to GFY, that's fine too.



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