Chase가 얼마나 대인배인가 하면요..

AJ 2012.04.15 05:14:38

I am writing in response to your inquiry about non-receipt
of points as per the 5% cash back promotion.

3월달 아버지 크레딧카드 스테이먼트를 리뷰해봤더니 5% 보너스 URP가 안 들어온 거에요... 그래서 "안 들어왔다" 정중히 SM을 보냈습니다.  답변을 보니 이미 6000포인트를 쌓으셨더라고요... 개스로 대부분... 그런데, 우리를 실망 시키지 않기 위해 3월달 보너스 포인트에 해당되는 3,025를 더 준다는거 있죠... :) 혹 모르고 cap 넘어가도록 쓰신 분들 (많이 더 쓰신 분들.. 제 아버지처럼), 함 시도해보세요.. 모른척하고 왜 보너스 포인트가 안 들어왔는지 모르겠다 하고요... :)

밑에는 SM 답변입니다.

Upon review I see that, on your 01/25/2012 billing
statement you have earned 1,837 points and on your
02/25/2012 billing statement you have earned 4,163 points,
making a total of 6,000 reward points.

Further, kindly note that, as you have already reached the
cap for 6,000 points that can be earned on the $1500.00
spend, you did not earn any additional bonus points on
your March 2012 statement as per the 5% cash back

I appreciate your business with Chase and I do not want to
disappoint you. Hence, as a gesture of my commitment
towards your business, I have added additional 3,025
points on your Chase Freedom card for the qualifying
purchases that you have made on your 03/25/2012 statement.
You can view these points on your next statement.